We are Yarsa Labs
A team of motivated people headed for a common goal of Redefining "Made in Nepal".
Yarsa Games
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- Mobile Game Studio
Yarsa Games is our game development studio. We publish mobile games, some of which have reached 150M+ users.
Yarsa Tech
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- Electronics Company
Yarsa Tech is an electronics manufacturing company. We manufacture and sell electronics products in Nepal.
Yarsa Bazar
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- B2B Marketplace
Yarsa Bazar is our e-commerce platform. We connect manufacturers and retailers in Nepal through this service.
ID Photo Studio
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- 1 Million+ users
An app to make photo for passport application and more.
Document Scanner
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- 100K+ users
An app for scanning documents using the phone camera.
Recharge Card Scanner
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- 1 Million+ users
An app to scan recharge cards, and utilize ussd services.
First Nepali App to reach 200 million downloads
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- June 4, 2024
Yarsa Labs’ Ludo app reaching 200 million downloads is an inspiring success story for aspiring game developers.
२० करोडलाई मनोरञ्जन दिँदै यार्साको लुडो
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- June 2, 2024
नेपालमा बनेका मोबाइल एपमध्ये १० करोडभन्दा धेरै प्रयोगकर्ता भएका एप हालसम्म दुइटा मात्रै छन्– लुडो र कलब्रेक। लुडो बनाउने कम्पनी पोखराको यार्सा ल्याब्स हो
Starting small, aiming big: Game development in Nepal
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- October 6, 2020
“Nepal has a vast talent pool that can be mobilised for game development. We have great artists, designers and animators working
नेपालमै स्मार्टवाच बनाउँदै यार्सा टेक, नागरिकतादेखि शैक्षिक प्रमाणपत्र
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- October 2, 2023
स्मार्टवाचको विशेषता बुझाउँदै सुवेदीले भने, “नागरिकता, शैक्षिक प्रमाणपत्र, ब्लुबुक, लाइसेन्स, एक्सपिरियन्स लेटर लगायतका जति पनि कागजात छन्, ती सबै यसैमा राख्न सकिन्छ।“
Yarsa Tech wins inDrive startup ICT award 2023
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- December 25, 2023
Global mobility and urban services platform, inDrive, proudly announces the winner of the “inDrive Startup ICT Award 2023” – Yarsa Tech Pvt. Ltd.
उत्कृष्ट करदाता यार्सा ल्याब्स प्रा.लि. सम्मानित
- Title
- Nov 24, 2022
बुधबार भएको कार्यक्रममा पोखराका उद्योगी, व्यवसायीलाई सम्मान गरिएको छ। सबै भन्दा बढी कर बुझाउने सफल यार्सा ल्याब्स प्रा.लि. लाई राजस्व कार्यालय पोखराले सम्मान गरिएको हो।

We want to redefine 'Made in Nepal' as an emblem of quality and trust in tech products all over the world.

Develop and export reliable tech products from Nepal to establish trustworthy global brands and foster a tech startup ecosystem in Nepal.

Innovation, Integrity, and Inclusivity; Our focus is on creating quality tech products, fostering a dynamic tech community, and ensuring a culture of honesty, equal opportunity, and relentless pursuit of progress.
Our Experience, Your Inspiration.
Bootstrapping a technology company and turning it into a sustainable business is not easy. To make that a bit easier for others, we write about design, software engineering, cyber security, infrastructure, startup operations and technical writing.